Dealing With a Presentation

It's Time to Panic!

Listen, I understand more than anyone how hard giving a presentation can be. You're nervous that you'll stutter and be out of breath and your mind might go blank and and...

But there are a few ways you can make it easier on yourself, even if you have severe social anxiety

You only need to experience it once

When thinking about your presentation remind yourself that worrying won't help. By worrying you'll be giving yourself anxiety over and over again, when in reality you only need to experience it and push through it once. Save your energy for the presentation and relax

Actually know what you're talking about

This one should be self explainatory. Do as much research as you can so you know the material. This way if all of a sudden someone asks you a question and you need to go off track you'll be able to continue seamlessly.

Memorization is okay too

Before I give a presentation I rehearse over and over again until I feel confident. I even practice how I'm going to say each word, which is a little extreme but it seems to help me at least lol.

Nobody cares as much as you think

While my social anxiety personally doesn't come from what people think about me, I know that many others it does. Trust me when I say that nobody cares. When you're listening to someone give a presentation are you really hyperfocused on what they're saying or when they mess up? Of course you aren't.

Cut the Caffeine 

Seriously, no caffeine the day of or the day before. Nothing. Zero. No coffee, soda, tea, NOTHING.

To Summarize

Relax, study, practice, memorize, and rationalize


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