Anxiety free places to visit

A quiet park with a bench and a walkway

Anxiety can make you want to stay inside sometimes, so I came up with a list of places that are easy to go to.


There’s nothing better than sitting in a Starbucks and just relaxing for a bit. Sipping on your favorite drink and just messing around on your computer. Or maybe just throw on a pair of headphones and read a book for a bit. The best part? Mobile ordering. If you’re having a particularly bad day you can just skip the line completely and not have to worry about anything. 

A library

Okay, this one doesn’t apply to everyone but I love going to my college’s library when I want to get out of the house for a bit. It gives me a nice quiet place to read, work on my homework, or write for my blog. The free WiFi means I can also just watch some YouTube between classes if I wanted to.

The park

The park is a great place to get some fresh air and exercise. Obviously this one depends on the weather but even in the winter going for a short walk can be really relaxing. If the weather is nice why not invite some friends to eat lunch in the park? If you have a dog why not walk them for a bit?

The mall...on a weekday

when it’s not too crowded the mall is a really fun place to visit, especially with friends. Grab a coffee and just go shopping for an hour or two. Then when you’re done grab a bite to eat with your friends. Also if you’re mall has a Barnes and Noble that’s even better. It’s like the perfect combination of a Starbucks and a library. 


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