Social anxiety pet-peeves

Black and white picture of an old phone

There are so many things that just get on my nerves so I made a list. The things on this list suck for most people, but they really suck for people with social anxiety.

Making a phone call

We’ve all been there, you need to make a phone call or worse you’re waiting for one. You start to get nervous and you start just staring at your phone. Why can’t everyone just agree to text or use email? Like it would be so much easier.

Tip: Do it somewhere relaxing. Maybe in your room or while playing a video game (muted of course).

Class presentation 

The worst possible combination of things for someone with social anxiety. Having to talk, in front of a crowd, while being judged, while talking about a subject that you may have no interest in. It’s funny because when you have social anxiety creating the presentation is the easiest part. 

Tip: Choose a topic you actually like. The goal is to get into ‘nerd out mode’.

Job interview 

Oh God no...I always hated these. Not only did you probably have to make a phone call beforehand, but not you need to prepare and think about the interview for days. What makes it worse is it could be a very important opportunity and it’s hard to sell yourself when you’re that nervous. 

Tip: Remember that you’re judging the position just as much as they’re judging you.


How am I supposed to flirt when I have trouble ordering coffee? Like people will tell you “just go talk to her” and I’m like what are you even saying to me.

Tip: They’re right, just go up and talk to them. Even if you look awkward and shy they might like it. If not who cares, there’s plenty of people and it gets easy.

Mandatory Class participation 

Randomly picking on students should be illegal. Being put on the spot can make your mind go completely blank, regardless of if you knew the answer or not. 

Tip: Come to class with a couple of questions pre-planned. If you participate the teacher will be less likely to randomly pick on you.  


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