Anxiety tips while stuck inside

A man and a dog stuck inside looking out at the beach through a window

Being stuck inside should sound like a dream to many people with anxiety, but I’ve been finding my anxiety to be even worse during this time. Obviously the fear of the pandemic makes it worse, but I also generally feel less motivated and overall down. So here are some tips to help you handle being stuck inside.

Set a routine

Being stuck inside can make it easy to not do anything all day. Which can make you feel worse and worse as the days fly by. Having a routine fixes this by making sure you're doing at least something with your day. It doesn't have to be a big strict list. Originally my routine consisted of getting up, taking a shower, getting dressed, making myself breakfast, and then cleaning my room. This alone would set the 'tone' for my day and make me feel more motivated.

Get a good sleep schedule 

Going to bed at 4am every night and waking up past noon can be pretty fun. Doing it every night starts to take a toll on you though. You miss your day, you miss opportunities, and you feel tired and unmotivated. You don't need to wake up at the crack of dawn like so many people suggest, but waking up by at least 10:30 and going to bed at a reasonable time can really help. 

Make time for friends

You won't be able to go outside and hang out with people because of the pandemic, but still, try to take some time to talk to friends. Go online and play some videogames, set up a skype call with someone, or just text. Basically staying in contact will make you feel a lot less isolated. 

Join a community

In this blog, I set up a page dedicated to different communities that focus on both anxiety and social anxiety. Talking about your problems and venting to others can help to lower your anxiety. You'll also be able to meet people who might have the same interests as you. Just remember, always be careful talking to people online. 

Focus on a hobby

It's hard to have anxiety while focusing on learning something. Why nor try your hand at something like candle making or gardening? Maybe you've been meaning to learn how to code? If you're not sure then try out a bunch of stuff until you find something you like, you might discover a new passion. 


It's okay not to be super productive during a global pandemic. If your stuck inside all day and you have
extra free time then spend some of it on yourself. Watch that movie you've been meaning to watch or start grinding through that giant backlog of videogames you bought and haven't even touched yet. 


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