Major English Major anxiety

Shakespeare sitting on a chair with the look of anxiety on his face

So you did it, you decided to be an English major. If you’re reading this you’re probably in the middle of panicking. Did I pick the right major? Am I ever gonna get a job? I just graduated, what now? Well, don’t worry because it’s really not as bad as you think. Try out these five tips.

Fix your resume

Your resume probably isn’t as good as it could be. Reddit has so many amazing resume formats and tips that will increase your chances way more than you realize. If there’s not enough experience then go out and get some. Maybe join your college’s tutoring center or simply start a blog ;). Also, write each cover letter from scratch as an added bonus.

Expand your job search

Being an English major gives you access to a wide amount of positions. There’s the obvious like becoming a teacher (bleh) or becoming a journalist, but also many more that you might not consider. Many government agencies are looking for English majors so try checking those out. Getting into publishing can be a little difficult, but instead of going for the big players try applying to local smaller publishing houses. Try the website to see positions specifically looking for English majors or for non-profit jobs.

Get your Master’s degree

I went for my Master’s about six months after graduating and it has been beyond helpful for me. I was able to keep the cost down by going to my local community college which allowed me to not take out any loans which I believe is important. Having a graduate degree can really make your application stand out from the crowd. While going for your Master’s it is also important to take advantage of the opportunities offers by your college. Get an internship, join a writing club, become a tutor, join the school newspaper, basically anything that will help you stand out more is a good thing.


This is one I’m not particularly good at, but it’s actually what got me my first internship. You don’t need to have 500+ connections on social media to have a network. Just ask the people around you, you never know who they might know. Your friend might have a cousin who has a friend who works in the Xmas field you want to. Creating a LinkedIn account is also something you should definitely do. It’s a great place to network, get info, and even find jobs.


The situation you’re in really isn’t as bad as you think it is. True finding a job as an English major is hard, but there’s a secret. It’s hard for every major. I’ve know Computer Science majors that worked in retail for years and years after college. I’ve also known English majors who were able to find jobs in a couple of months. Just keep looking and don’t let your life go on hold, it’s gonna work out even if you don’t think it is.



  1. As a quick update, I got a full time job as a teacher. It is so much more fun than I thought and my anxiety doesn't get in the way at all.


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