Dealing with panic attacks

a comfy room with a chair in the center

Disclaimer: This is based on my own experiences, I’m not a medical professional by any means.

Having a panic attack can suck. Having panic disorder can really suck. The sensation that your about to have a heart attack can cause you to panic worse, which can lead to even more panic attacks in the future. I was able to beat my panic attacks and here’s how I did it.

See a doctor 

This is the first big step because once you know you're physically okay you won’t need to worry about your health. If you don’t go you’ll keep worrying. What if I have a bad heart? What if it’s something worse? What if I’m dying? So do yourself a favor and just get checked out.

Listen to music

Listening to music while having a panic attack can help you focus on something else. Oddly enough I found that heavy metal was the best. It was almost like the way I was feeling “matched” with the music. 

Get to the root of the problem

Try to figure out what triggered your panic attacks. It’s not always easy because a lot of the time attacks come out of nowhere, but it’s usually because of something that happened. Did you lose a job? Worried about your college major? Get into a car accident? Lost someone close? Maybe just a build-up of stress from school? Finding the reason and making changes can completely disarm your panic attacks.


While generic, exercising can lift your mood, increase your confidence, and make it easier to get some sleep at night. It also has the added benefit of helping you get used to having a fast heart rate. I found this to lower my panic during attacks

Cut out the caffeine 

Seriously, caffeine is completely debilitating for someone with anxiety and panic attacks. Cut out all coffee, tea, and caffeinated soda from your life. Even a small amount can trigger an attack and it’s really not worth it.

Get help

You’re not alone. So many people suffer from panic attacks so there’s plenty of resources to help. Tell your family and friends. Look online at websites like Reddit for communities to talk to. Also if anxiety is starting to affect your life negatively and isn’t going away please talk to a professional. If you’re a student most high schools and colleges offer free anonymous counseling. 


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